Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I want to be honest.

I'm scared.

It's like 2 months to go.

And I'm really scared.

Help me?


*deg deg

I want this to end

like SOON.

"Fear is the highest fence"

My Life, My Way
Imelda "imei" Suharsono

Sunday, November 8, 2009


I don't have any idea what's wrong with my body these days. It seems like my energy is being suck out of my soul. And can't tell how many times have i yawn in this one day. *hoaaaam!!

Went to help out a friend yesterday. Mona, works at this magazine and was having this photo session with some models. She needed some help with the make-up. So why not??

After that, lunch with Maggie. We went to this place I love. The food is very Indonesian.

There's a place in Indonesia called Makasar. And all of the foods above comes from there. We had Coto Makasar, Konro Bakar, and Es Pisang Ijo. Konro is the Makasar language for "ribs". It's very delicious and full of spices.

Anyway, been through a lot lately. Have a lot of thoughts also. One of them is about "POWER". According to my dictionary, POWER is strength, force, or energy. It can also mean authority or control. Now, I'm thinking about getting that strength, energy, authority, whatever you call it, but I WANT it. But how?
As far as I'm concerned, it's not easy to get one. As the matter of fact, while some people are having it, they tend to use it in the wrong way. Just look at all the powerful people in the world. Hitler, Osama bin Laden, and some of the terrorists, they have the power, but they don't use it wisely. But how and from where can they get all the power they have? I think i got the answer.


Yes, money. As they say, money can buy everything. Even happiness. I've learnt that, with money, you can control just about everything, even other's need and want. For example, you and your friends are about to get some dinner. But you are the one who pay for it. So who get to decide the place and what to eat?? Of course the one who has what?? Money.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that I want to have the money so that I'll be able to control everyone else. I'm just being realistic. I just want to be able to have the authority to get the things that I want, to decide what the things that I need. I don't want others to tell and control me just because they are the one who have the money. If it's my money, then hopefully, they'll let me decide.
You can't decide what you want to do if the power is not yours.

For now, I'll just gonna eat all the madness inside, and make a promise to myself. I will have the money. After that, I will buy all the things that you have, and the things that you only dream of having. And soon, I will have the power, not to control people, but to control myself and not being controlled.

"Nothing is more difficult, and therefore more precious, than to be able to decide"

My Life, My Way
Imelda "imei" Suharsono

Friday, November 6, 2009

The Newbie..

I've been wondering.. Is it too late? And will I have the time to even take care of this new baby of mine? But then, who cares? Again, it's about My Life, My Way, and It's All About ME! ^^ And I will try my best to update what i can and allowed to update, whenever it will be.

I've seen all the cute and cool blog around and make a promise to myself to design a blog that suits my style. If only i know how, like, now!! haha... Just a lil' bit info about me....

This is how i look like (kinda, I've been gaining weight lately T-T) As you can see I had my nose pierced. It was done directly after I graduated from highschool as symbol of freedom and revelation of who I really am.

My Big Baby.. Rovin Klint. My childhood enemy. I used to hate him so much, and so did he. We first met when we were studying together at this private course near my house and his. One day, he acted stupid and put a cockroach in my shoe. I was scared to death!! I decided to throw my shoe at him. The next thing I know was he's trying to punch me. Luckily, my mom come to the rescue. Since then, I haven't met him until, one day around 2006, he found me, and the story goes........

My friends, the best ones. We met as highschool gi
rls. Been through a lot with them. From left to right the upper side we have Catherine Ilona, Sri Juita a.k.a Seju, Stephany. And lower side we have me, Lisa, and Maggie. P.s: Love ya girl ^^

My passion in life: FOOD!!

Most people just eat for living and don't appreciate them. But i treat them as one of my babies. I live to eat!!

By the way, I love quotes. So I'll end every session with the quote that I love.

"The world is full of cactus, but we don't have to sit on it"

My Life, My Way
Imelda "imei" Suharsono